Cinz & Lionel

Due to Posts going missing and lack of support from Blog spot we've moved to http://thequotidianwo

365 Project

A couple of weeks ago some of our posts went missing, We sent a mesage for support to the Blogspot team via the forum and to date have had no response, so we've decided to move to
Ok so we're well into our 365 Project, trying to come up with new and cool ideas is starting to become a bit of a challenge, yet every day when it's crunch time we always manage to come up with something, whether it be a lighting experiment or one of our wacky ideas.

Just a reminder for those who have forgotten or are new to the blog why we are doing this project:
We decided to challenge ourselves to taking and posting a photograph a day for the next 365 days, in doing so we hope to achieve 2 things:
  • To create a photographic journal of messages or themes we want to bring across, or just a photo that sums up our day
  • To challenge our photographic ability and experiment with all kinds of techniques from lighting to post processing, and in the process hopefully improving our photographic skills along the way.

Some days there could just be a cell phone camera photo showing something significant that could of happened during our day, or a planned shot with lighting and processing notes so that we can share our learning experience and also at the same time create a technical reference we can all come back to.

Don't forget to check out the Archives if you've missed out on a few days, and I hope we still keeping you all interested.

365 Project Archive / February 2010
365 Project Archive / March 2010
Day 49 - 27/03/2010

Just by looking at this portait of the birthday boy you'd never guess that his nick name is 'Evil', but trust me with his sense of humour and sharp wit he more than lives up to his nick name...
I think there are going to be a few hangovers tomorrow...
Day 50 - 28/03/2010

 Today we did a 'Dark Angel' shoot with the lovely Karen, Cinz took this the camera was set at ISO 400, 1/200 Shutter Speed, F9.5 Aperture Setting. 2 off camera flashes Nikon SB-26 @ 1/2 power to camera right and a Sony HVL-56 on 1/4 power behind Karin and also to camera right.
Day 51 - 29/03/2010

This one is inspired by 2yr old Noel, obviously my face is nowhere as cute as his so I had to improvise a little.
We had some Dog mayhem tonight & I got my finger much damage as a Jack Russel with short man syndrome can manage was inflicted on that finger.
Day 52 - 30/03/2010

I did say there may be a cell phone camera shot or 2 showing up, well today is the first one, just basically the story of my day today. I applied some HDR type presets in lightroom to get this look.
Day 53 - 31/03/2010

 Meet the newest addition to our family... Lilith she's a thorough bred DOG and the sweetest little goth doggie you'll ever meet :-)
It took as about 10 takes to get this one with a Sony HVL-58 on 1/16 power with a silver reflective umbrella on camera left, and a Sony HVL-42 at 1/32 power to camera right. Camera set on ISO 100, 1/250 Sec Sutterspeed, F2.8 Aperture Setting.
Day 54 - 01/04/2010

Tonight we going to a 30th Birthday Party, 50's style at a bowling alley, this is what we look like...
Time to party see ya tomorrow :-D
Day 55 - 02/04/2010

We went to join Cinz Parents and their friends at their campsite today, I took this from our tent, I think camping in the rain takes a special kind of love of camping...
Day 56 - 03/04/2010

The excitement of an early Easter Egg hunt...
Day 57 - 04/04/2010

I got out early this morning to catch the best light we've had in days, No fancy lighting just the morning sun.
Day 58 - 05/04/2010

Today Cinz had some friends, Casilda and her sister Sussie (Paula), over for a photo shoot, I did this one at the end of the shoot.
We had a studio strobe with reflective umbrella to camera right @ 1/4 power, a studio strobe with medium softbox to camera left at 1/8 power, and a studio strobe behind them at camera right with a gridded barn door aimed at them to give some background seperation. The camera was on 1/125 Shutter Speed, F9.5 Aperture Setting and ISO 400.
Day 59 - 06/04/2010

Today's shot is inspired by one of our favourite movies, Sin City, now we didn't have the sprawling city back drop we wanted from the opening scene so we had to improvise a little ;-)
Lighting was a studio strobe @ 1/4 power to camera right with grided barndoors and a studio strobe @ 1/8 power with a medium soft box to camera left and between Cinz and the back drop, I placed it so that we only got the edge of the light beam to highlight Cinz left side. The camera was set on ISO400, 1/250 Shutter Speed, F11 Aperture Setting.
Day 60 - 07/04/2010
We just wanted to do something cool today and this is what we came up with.
Light was a studio strobe with a grided barndoor to create the spotlight look @ 1/8 power, slightly to camera left, but basically on axis. Camera was set on ISO400, 1/250 Shutter Speed, F13 Aperture Setting.