Cinz & Lionel

Due to Posts going missing and lack of support from Blog spot we've moved to http://thequotidianwo

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Dark Angel

Out of pure curiosity and Fascination, I wanted to find out if there was any other meaning behind the word or term “Dark Angel” other from that definition we all know where Lucifer was being a very naughty angel and got kicked out of Heaven. Google being a good friend of mine gave me this definition below.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Women Abuse


Sometimes it is hard and confusing to admit that you are in an abusive relationship, or to find a way out. There are clear signs to help you know if you are being abused. If the person you love or live with does any of these things to you, it's time to get help:

1.monitors what you're doing all the time
2.criticizes you for little things
3.constantly accuses you of being unfaithful
4.prevents or discourages you from seeing friends or family, or going to work or school
5.gets angry when drinking alcohol or using drugs
6.controls how you spend your money
7.controls your use of needed medicines
8.humiliates you in front of others
9.destroys your property or things that you care about
10.threatens to hurt you, the children, or pets, or does hurt you (by hitting, beating, pushing, shoving, punching, slapping, kicking, or biting)
11.uses or threatens to use a weapon against you
12.forces you to have sex against your will
13.blames you for his or her violent outbursts

I am very passionate on increasing awareness of this due to personal experience, so I went out and did a photoshoot which I posted on my FaceBook group and Profile.  I hope this has an impact.

Model and Make-up was done by Teniel Bischoff.

Abuse is encouraged by SILENCE – Break the silence TODAY

Friday, January 8, 2010

A New Year a New Beginning

Well I am sure that most of us are relieved that 2009 is gone and that we are looking forward to new beginnings and new opportunities that awaits us in 2010. On a personal note I can say for both Lionel and myself that last year was a year filled with great emotions, both negetive and positive, alot of heartache and a great ending to it all. Reason being we found each other and we found a reason to live, love and be inspired again. I couldnt have asked for a better gift than the gift of love and happiness to surround us once again, we share the same passions and we live to inspire each other in all we want to do and achieve as a family and as photographers, his my muse.

Well we brought in the New Year in an awesome way, we left to go stay just outside Dullstroom in a farmhouse at a beautiful trout farm, were we enjoyed the company of each other, amazing friends and our children.

Here is to a New Year and to New Beginnings.