Cinz & Lionel

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Dark Angel

Out of pure curiosity and Fascination, I wanted to find out if there was any other meaning behind the word or term “Dark Angel” other from that definition we all know where Lucifer was being a very naughty angel and got kicked out of Heaven. Google being a good friend of mine gave me this definition below.

The feminine version of the dark angel of love is Lilith. Lilith is often described a first wife of Adam that is not mentioned in the Bible. As she was not made from man's rib, she became corrupted and was thrown out of the Garden of Eden. She is not mentioned in the Bible, but she is honored among some sects and even feminist sects that see her as the original earth mother. She is one of the amour angels in the sense that she symbolizes seduction.

Yet another interpretation of the dark angel is as a description of a lover. This could be a karmic relationship that is somehow troublesome or bad for you. The dark angel of love is someone in your life who you cannot stop thinking about or becoming obsessed about. It is the relationship that you are unable to handle or that causes you great grief. If you are a man, this dark angel is no doubt the "Lilith" in your life.

I have come to the conclusion that I absolutely love the name Lilith.
Well after that useless bit of information, a good friend of mine Elmi, gorgeous and petite, approached me and said to me, after she saw a previous personal project I did similar of a Fallen Angel, “I also want to do a dark angel friend”.

I believe that both of us had the same motives and reasons for pursuing such a project due to situations in our lives that brought as to a point of enough, and let’s get rid of this but putting it out as a form of art, in a way it was therapy for me, and I believe that the same applied to her, I hope it did her the world of good. So we got all excited and started planning. We needed makeup, Location, outfits. Our Friend Mariette van Niekerk happily accepted our invitation to do make up on her, and she did a fantastic job at that, then came in our good friend, fireman and fellow photographer and helped us with the perfect location, none other than the fire station where he is based. Lionel packed up his strobist gear and we were all ampt and ready to go.

We had a long eventful day, filled with laughter and new ideas, we even had poor Elmi in her short skirt and killer boots climbing polls, getting up on tin roofs and standing in a collapse building, it was all good fun, and Elmi was such great sport and willing to do anything to get the results.

I did a little interview with Elmi and I thought it fitting to post it, you absolutely rock girl, we love you millions.

1. Who is Elmi and where do you come from?
I’m Elmi. I come from Springs. Energetic, lovable and daring
2. What inspires you?
Risk more than other people think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible.
3. Your Highs and Lows in life?
Highs: achieving fulfillment in everything I do, want or have
Lows: Love that hurts…. Very badly

4. Something interesting about Elmi?
I am scared of moth’s lol!!! I am interested in the spiritual unknown and card readings to guide me
5. Have you done modeling before?
Yes I did a shoot for DE KAT magazine, Shoot for Klama, Shoot for Kiekie and a shoot for Magic mirror
6. What inspired you to do this themed shoot “dark angel”?
My current situation and mind frame in life is dark and painful. A fallen angel looking for direction that is why I chose the song “bring me back to life” from Evanescence perfect reflection of what is going on in my life.
7. How did you find your experience in the preparation and the actual shoot?
Very interesting, reading up on Dark Angels and their origin.
8. Any Fun, weird, awkward or interesting moments on the day of the shoot?
WEIRD: Tony and his accomplice… the ideas that came out of there…….
AKWARD: Climbing stairs and roofs with a very, very short skirt and some killer BOOTS
INTERESTING: The actual story telling of the photos, thinking about the end result
Package full of ideas and artistic vision. Very professional and makes you feel at ease. Some good laughs as well.

Thank you Lionel, my love for your help and support in preparing this shoot and for all you input and direction. Thank you Tony and your accomplice for being totally whacked and crazy. Thank you Mariette for preparing and doing a great job on the makeup and most importantly, Thank you Elmi, you stole the show.
Much love

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